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  • Masaru Emoto's research is fascinating! ... Consider adding "The Hidden Messages in Water" by Masaru Emoto to your reading list, as it comes highly recommended by Kevin. You can purchase the book today at the following link
  • Masaru Emoto (江本勝, Emoto Masaru?, born July 22, 1943) is a Japanese author known for his controversial claim that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets before they are frozen...
  • Is it possible that the rice experiment was based on Masaru Emoto's photography (www.masaru-emoto.net)?
  • This guided meditation is purposed to raise the conscious awareness of water, and is dedicated to the Life & Love of Masaru Emoto for opening the world's minds and hearts together though water.
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  • Фотографии взяты из книги Masaru Emoto "The Message from Water".
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  • Поищите в Интернете по имени Масару Эмото (Masaru Emoto).
  • Tags: Масару Эмото, исцеление, кристаллы воды. ... Powered by LiveJournal.com.
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  • Масару Эмото рассказал миру о том, что кристаллы воды становятся красивыми и гармоничными после того, как воде дают.
  • Masaru Emoto. Profile. User: schwarzze. ... Page Summary. · Masaru Emoto [+3].