• NIA is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation and helping Americans not only survive, but prosper during an economic crisis. Join our newsletter.
  • Lower costs for gas, airline tickets, new and used cars and wireless mobile phone plans kept U.S. consumer prices flat in June, evidence that inflation remains muted.
  • ...34 minutes ago By Ellen Freilich NEW YORK (Reuters) - Federal Reserve policy-makers are worried that inflation will slow down too much, but the US Treasury's sale of $8 billion...
  • According to experts, the US economy was strongly hit by the coronavirus pandemic as the inflation rate in the country slowed down drastically.
  • Автор: Дэвид Голдман Asia Times Online Гонконг Оригинал публикации: US inflation isnt coming its already here https://asiatimes.com/2021/04/us-inflation-isnt-coming-its...
  • Inflation has slowed for six straight months, which is good news for both…