• housetheatre.org.uk. ... housetheatre.org.uk. 5 minutes with Amantha Edmead, founder of Kuumba Nia Arts | house southeast theatre network.
  • housetheatre.org.uk. ... housetheatre.org.uk. Deaf Awareness | house southeast theatre network.
  • ...currently updating the house website so if you have any new photos or videos from your venue, please send them over so we can show you off. info@housetheatre.org.uk.
  • Here's What She Said To Me. Find out more about the show and where it is going: https://housetheatre.org.uk/now-touring/.
  • house @housetheatre · Feb 1 Mark Makin, house touring associate, theatre producer and tour booker is leading an artist training session on touring to regional venues at...
  • Register for free tickets: https://housetheatre.org.uk/pitch-up/.