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  • The link below includes a number of great resources on the history of racism in America. #blacklivesmatter https...
  • http://www.profi-forex.org/fundamental_analysis/entry1003310446.html. 31 марта 04:38. Количество одобренных заявок на строительство новых домов в Австралии в...
  • *** потрясающе увлекательный курс с edx.org Fundamentals of Neuroscience Part 1: Electrical Properties of the Neuron.
  • Physicist Jonathan Butterworth on the term ‘fundamental’, the forces of the Standard model and why gravity is so hard to investigate.
  • Today, I was again shocked by how widely misconceptions about evolution are believed. For the last (probably not) time: Evolution is a theory insomuch as gravity is a theory; both...
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