• friendsofscience.org. ... blog.friendsofscience.org. Monumental Financial Problems Facing Canadians | Friends of Science Calgary.
  • Андрей, > теории заговора https://www.theguardian.com/environment/blog/2014/jun.. http://www.friendsofscience.org/index.php...
  • буду собирать ссылки на глобальные климатические тренды а то задрали с потеплениями ) вон и Касперский туда же ударился ) как только в Швейцарию...
  • They experiment to find functional relationships and play with nested and stacked and cross linked systems of equations and parameters until they find the ones that fit the real world...
  • In combination with climate models, our reconstruction offers the possibility to test the claimed links between climate and TSI forcing.
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