• We believe in the right of artistic expression. Our goal? To share informative opinions, theories, and to advocate for freedom of consumption.
  • (Источник - http://fotw.fivestarflags.com/fic_ogre.html#ac). #вексиллология@leftvexillology #альтернативная_история@leftvexillology.
  • Against All Odds has multiple chapters at SR, if you want a more current link to Dusty's fic.
  • Eu devo dizer que não quero ser presa por ser Ficwriter e Tradutora...
  • hi. thanks for this list. kinda found it while looking for spuffy fic recs. was wondering though if u know where i can find the butterfly effect by cousinjean? ive clicked on the link and...
  • - If you fix any mistakes or make any changes to your fic after it's sent in, re-send the whole thing with a note that the other should be discarded.
  • fictastic - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • Sequel Series: Sugar Plum Fairies: Part 3 (73,581 words/1 chapter): http://qaf-fic.com/atp/viewstory.php?sid=8744 [Set soon after SPF Part 2: Christmas...
  • ..."A New Breed of Demon Ballistics Tech is Born" - http://www.e-fic.com/voracity/ballistics/ballisticsdean1.html PS most of her fics are...
  • These are not all my fics, but it's a good chunk of 'em, and it may save you the bother of scrolling all the way to the beginning of this LJ for links.
  • Mas poderia ter uma fic com menos capítulos, mas que contivesse os temas obrigatórios?
  • traf-fic.com/ Продажа качественного трафика с поисковых систем, и социальный сетей...
  • Time to check all the links at the Riddlefics list again!