• – is a 2021-22 Fulbright scholar – off to New York University next year to research the digital welfare state. Congratulations! http://federationpress.com.au/bookstore/author.asp?id=1575…
  • Nothing in the linked broadcast (7 min, 30 March) justifies the assertion that.
  • You can now provide your feedback on the development of the Indigenous Business Sector Strategy #IndigenousBiz http://indigenous.gov.au/news-and-media/stories/indigenous-business-sector-strategy-consultations-now-open…
  • Wairarapa Voice advocates for local participatory democracy and informed decision-making.
  • Barrister with an interest in public law and industrial relations...
  • Interpreters of color in specialized settings can provide missing link to bridge the linguistic & cultural gap. #linguisticadvocates #dispora #vicarioustrauma.