• 'Education..Inspiration..Motivation..Information' Provider of Sexuality and Fertility Education Programmes...
  • #WCD18 #WCDChat http://familyplanning.org.nz/news/2018/nzppd-media-release-world-contraception-day…
  • Quinine and coconut butter, it says on p.50 of the book linked to by.
  • http://familyplanning.org.nz/advice/contraception/implant-insertion-instructions…
  • Wannabe: mean-as coder, genius UX/UI designer, extravagant graphic designer, permanent nomad, elusive writer, quirky artist... How many characters 4 the bio?
  • “Poor sexual and reproductive health and rights are both a cause and consequence of gender inequality,” - Family Planning CEO Jackie Edmond http://familyplanning.org.nz/news/2018/no-equality-without-sexual-and...