• Until the summer break the Library workshops systemactic searching and EndNote will be held remotely. There is still one full round to go, especially helpful during these times of limited access to lab and patient data. You can apply via: http...
  • Start bouw protonenkliniek Delft definitief: protonentherapie vanaf 2017 beschikbaar in Nederland. http://hollandptc.nl/nederlands/actueel/nieuws/?page=start%5Fbouw…
  • Tatoos can cause a delayed allergic reaction manifest as eye inflammation called #uveitis http://ja.ma/1YNxika.
  • Eline Visser, VS, hoopt bij te dragen aan het vaccinatiedebat zodat meer mensen het belang van vaccinatie inzien http://nature.com/artikels.
  • @ErasmusMC. ... Arco van der Vlist and roar_NL. 11.