• link.medium.com. ... This weekend, I released perl v5.36.0 and also wrote about it. Here's a link to my blog post
  • .@lhochstein: how do I know if a server group is disabled? me: [sends link to long doc explaining all the subtleties and nuance and what does it even mean to be "disabled" and...
  • link: Have Static Languages Won? | Pointers Gone Wild
  • ...works with arrays and hashes. https://effectiveperlprogramming.com/2018/08/initialize-array-and-hash-variables-with-state/…
  • ...effectiveperlprogramming.com/2018/08/find-the-new-emojis-in-perls-unicode-support…
  • Computer software consultant and soccer nut. Lives in Michigan but loves everything Minnesotan...