• Fandom: BtVS, HP, Addams Family; weird combination, but it works Link: Here it is Notes: The fic is still a WIP, so beware; but it's freakishly epic (322 708w so far)...
  • Hello, I was hoping to find some gen fics (crossovers are fine).
  • Facebook If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • If you go to her homepage link and into LJ memories, it is the XGtH link or link directly - Xander Goes to Hogwarts by Amy (hpnewbie).
  • I didn't try to separate movieverse fics from fics based on the books or the tv show, they are all mixed togther.
  • ..."A New Breed of Demon Ballistics Tech is Born" - http://www.e-fic.com/voracity/ballistics/ballisticsdean1.html PS most of her fics are...
  • I know broken links are to be expected after so long, but does anyone know of any other place I could find these fics?
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • ldygossamer - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • parem de divulgar livro e fic com esse tt, eu quero saber é de fofocaaaaaa.
  • eloisedupuis - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.