• Ontario taxpayers cannot afford to keep paying interest on borrowed money. Click the following link to see how much we owe. http://debtclock.ca/provincial-debtclocks/ontario/ontario-s-debt/…
  • Sign the petition: Refugee Pause http://therebel.media/refugeepause?r.
  • New #cdnfoi story: after the UN seat vote last June, I asked @GAC_Corporate how much was spent on salaries linked to the campaign.
  • DebtWatchDog1 is an advocate for consumers searching for real solutions to credit repair, debt reduction and financial fresh starts.
  • Globe and Mail should search http://debtclock.ca. Big Pete's Collectibles. @BigPetesComics.
  • It has been an incredible year: Ace started Kindergarten, I gave birth to my sweet Birdie and today, Maxwell turns 7. Throughout it all, I've been throwing my energy into another project close to my heart: a new digital flagship store, http://jessicasimpson.com!