• Calls it "eternal shame" www.cwnews.com.au. ... INDEPENDENT MP Rob Oakeshott says “he won’t be the first MP to lose a seat for doing the right thing." www.cwnews.com.au.
  • Filling the God Vacuum By Sarah Pollak CBN News CWNews.com – TOKYO - Contrary to popular belief, Japan is far from being a.
  • 12, 2008 (CWNews.com) - The Synod of Bishops, meeting in Rome in October 2008, will discuss ways to promote the prayerful reading, understanding, and proclamation of the...
  • CWNews.com http://www.cbn.com/CBNNews/CWN/index.aspx – QOM, Iran - Whether it's his belief that Israel should be wiped off the map, denials of the Holocaust, obsession with...
  • Mass murder in Yugoslavia outraged people around the globe and resulted in aid being sent in from various countries. Mass murder in Rwanda was reduced to just some tribal...
  • isolation, after Catholic-Orthodox talks CWNews.com 19 октября 2007 г.↑ Елпидифор (Ламбриниадис), перевод студента МДА Письменюка Ильи.
  • Юзер zhuzh обратил мое внимание на сообщение о том, как федеральный судья, отвергая иск ACLU против одного из графств Кентукки, написал: The ACLU makes...
  • Тезис : Павел не был против соблюдения Торы, но против обязательного соблюдения Торы (т.е. против иудайзеров) Иллюстрация: 1 Немощного о вере принимайте и не...
  • http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=32830. Leave a comment.
  • 24 (CWNews.com) - Two weeks ago, at the height of the Gospel of Judas mania, a Google News search of "Elaine Pagels" plus "expert" scored 157 hits; she was the media's prime...
  • 18, 2007 (CWNews.com) - Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) is fully committed to a plan to allow broader use of the pre-conciliar Latin liturgy...
  • 14, 2007 (CWNews.com) - A Dutch Catholic bishop has suggested that Christians should refer to God as.
  • Последнюю неделю немало Римо-Католиков ожидают выхода нового документа из Ватикана, ослабляющего ограничения проведения Tridentin Mass – латинской мессы...
  • 18 (CWNews.com) - Cardinal Camillo Ruini (bio - news)has announced that he thinks the international outrage surrounding Pope Benedict's speech in Regensburg is being fed...