• Careers Research & Advisory Centre: 50 years of research intelligence & innovation for all those who support career development of people of all ages & sectors...
  • Good title! https://crac.org.uk/Media/Default/files/Exploring%20the%20careers%20and%20success...
  • The UK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers is the closest thing we have to a manifesto of rights for postdocs & other “ECR”s...
  • Freelance careers professional: career guidance, coaching, advice, higher education consultancy and training. I like helping work lives get better.
  • and #NannetteRipmeester @labourmobility https://labourmobility.com/webinar-linking-career-advisors-to-international-offices/…
  • Careers Advisor with substantial experience in Charity, School, College and University settings. Currently transitioning back into Careers Guidance work.