• Enhancing the experiences of all participants through quality coaching. --- Améliorer l'expérience de tous les participants par la qualité de l'entraînement.
  • With the Hub, the #CAC aims to increase #mentalhealthliteracy amongst coaches at all levels of sport across #Canada. Visit http://coach.ca/mental-health-hub…
  • Working to improve interaction, mentoring and coach education to move sport performance coaches to a higher level in Alberta.
  • Joignez-vous à nous pour dire #MerciCoach pendant la #SemaineDesEntraîneurs! Découvrez différentes façons de participer aux célébrations sur notre site Web : http://coach.ca/fr/semaine-nationale-des-entraineurs….
  • The NCCP Advanced Coaching Diploma (ACD) is the most extensive multisport training program offered by the NCCP in Canada. Applications are currently being accepted. Visit http://coach.ca/ACD for more information!
  • The CAC is looking for nominations to fill the Member-at-Large position on its Board of Directors. For more information, please visit: http://coach.ca/opportunities.