• Conta oficial no Twitter do Grupo Municipal do Partido Socialista - Assembleia Municipal de Lisboa.
  • Announcing our new partner: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa http://cm-lisboa.pt Thank you so much for your support!
  • A week to celebrate how digital helps make our everyday lives betters. Conferences, events and meetups galore. 20 to 30 September 2012.
  • AF L Euro Tour of Lisbon http://cm-lisboa.pt set for September.
  • O Link To Leaders falou com o Secretário de Estado para a Transição Digital, André de Aragão Azevedo, sobre esta iniciativa, a import…
  • Lifelong Learning, Informal Education, Innovation & Creativity, Ed Tech, Cidadania crítica. Eu e os meus, great webdesign, art, parenting e elementary school.