• climbtothestars.org. Shaunelle Drake: WordPress, Giving Everyone a Voice [WCGVA 2022].
  • Anglo-Swiss. Manages @eclau. My blog is still alive. @stephtara@octodon.social when this ship is done sinking. Cats, judo, sailing, people, communities.
  • climbtothestars.org. ... climbtothestars.org. Shaunelle Drake: WordPress, Giving Everyone a Voice [WCGVA 2022].
  • climbtothestars.org. Jean-Baptiste Audras: Gutenberg : rétrospective et prospective de la montée en compétence d’une... Mes notes de WordCamp Genève 2022, prises sur le vif...
  • The links to the sponsor booths can be found on the schedule on our website!