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  • It seems that ISO 3166 has been changed so that it is now consistent with the DNS: Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the UK now have their own country codes and are no...
  • https://www.circleid.com/posts/20210803-the-irrationality-of-deploying-ipv6/ For the past few decades, there's been a relatively straightforward narrative on the economics behind...
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  • And he has made hay, forgive the cliche, on the campaign trail (most recently in Michigan over the weekend where he linked Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the group)...
  • ...spacenews.com/wyler-claims-breakthrough-in-low-cost-antenna-for-oneweb-other-satellite-systems/.
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  • ...(PDF) had been declassified and that it contained some pretty interesting stuff. ~ article http://www.circleid.com/posts/internet_wars/ Information Operations Roadmap (PDF)...