• Links iSharath. ... 11:30 am - Vishnuvardhan... Somebody has done a much better job of describing the actor and the man than I could probably do. Here is the link.
  • Heh!! http://churumuri.wordpress.com/2010/04/13/tweet-this-shashi-tharoor-globalisation-2-0/. ABHISHEK V PRADHAN.
  • It is pretty lengthy to actually post the text on blog but I have copied the link.
  • Having said that, I would like to see people to stop linking Rajkumar, the ever peace loving man and his "fans".
  • Tiger Hills by Sarita Mandanna is a wonderful work of fiction based in Coorg from the 1800s to 1930. It is a lovely hard cover book that I borrowed from my brother. Neither he nor our...
  • churumuri.wordpress.com/2008/11/02/a-soaring-jumbo-suddenly-decides-to-land/ Well Done Kumble, you are really humble, You did fight till your last minute.