• A platform for politicians to connect to their electorate, leverage data, and better manage their election.
  • Aadhaar linking and New Forms 6 6B 8 7 Awareness Activities (Canopy) in AC 32 UTTAM NAGAR #Registration #Aadhaarlinking.
  • . They have assured me that linking Aadhaar with Voter ID is voluntary. Plus, they also said that they will make sure people in their office will be re-trained so that they don't call voters and spread this kind of misinformation..
  • There were reports in media that PANs which are not linked with Aadhaar by 31.03.2019 may be invalidated.
  • The way they cheated you with regard to housing they did same in Gujarat.
  • engineer, likes to sing and write, keen observer, always up for some stimulating talk and interesting work...