• centerforsecuritypolicy.org. ... Its a HUGE red flag when terroist-linked Sharia supremiscts front group CAIR defends H.R. McMaster.
  • Putin's candidate in the US presidential election – Biden - Center for Security Policy. centerforsecuritypolicy.org.
  • О, я даже нашёл оригинал сообщения с церемонии награждения Каспарова. https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/1991/07/25/1991-keeper-of-the-flame...
  • (Link). возможно злостные хулиганы развели кремлёвских лапухов
  • Потрясающее объяснение! https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Putin-psychological-profile_RU.pdf https...
  • John Brennan, as the next CIA Director" http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2013/03/04/putting-politics-over-public-safety...
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