• Explore bus stops and routes on the map for all bus services in Singapore. Also check out @railroutersg @taxiroutersg Built by @cheeaun...
  • Released this quietly yesterday. http://busrouter.sg is now localised in 3 more languages. The translations are currently best-effort, will need translator volunteers to help out ‍.
  • Rather than sort bus numbers numerically (eg. 1, 2, 3), http://busrouter.sg groups them by their first digit (eg.
  • Product-1st FE. Interests: design, dataviz, maps, public transport, stickers & anime. I follow folks via (private) lists. Funemployed since Jul'22.
  • . Not sure if crowdsourcing would work yet, so here's an invite link for potential translators/proofreaders/QA https://crwd.in/busrouter-sg #i18n.