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  • Hello everyone, I had a few questions but decided to put them into one post since they all deal with finding uses for items instead of throwing them out(useless waste annoys me).
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  • I am looking to make something out of animal skulls. But I do not wish to use real skulls, as I wish to be cruelty free with this project. I am looking for an inexpensive cast of small...
  • Todays Monster Monday from Dapper Cadaver travels down the spine of the Americas to Peru, circa 2000 years ago for a kind of person bizarre and real, the Dolichocephaloids or...
  • ...Альберты и выставлены в Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Альберта, Канада. https://allthatsinteresting.com/nodosaur-dinosaur-mummy Помнится
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