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  • Не найдено: tumblr, link
  • Sorry for the delay everyone, here is the google forms link to submit confessions if you don't want to use tumblr or dm.
  • "Stumbled upon the holy grail of FOB confessions after Tumblr suggested we follow it. ... There were fans on tumblr whining that the band mocked the confessions...considering the range of reactions the band could have had to this blog, this video is tame.
  • Сегодня в моём обзоре блогов я рассмотрю один из самых популярных сервисов микроблоггинга - tumblr.com .
    Не найдено: link
  • Links. ... Powered by LiveJournal.com.
    Не найдено: tumblr
  • Confess it all, right here ! : you submit your confessions via ask on tumblr, i put them in photoshop/fancy them up, then upload them to the blog for all to see (but of course, your confession remains anonymous). : you confess it, i…
  • Вот на Tumblr.com недавно, например, зачем-то поменяли место кнопки перепоста и закрытия.
    Не найдено: link
  • ru_blur Confidence is a preference for the habitual voyeur of what is known as parklife 9 лет назад.
    Не найдено: tumblr, link
  • Does anyone still have crammyboy's censor blur remover? I searched the community (and found the entry that originally led me to it) but the link is now dead.
    Не найдено: tumblr
  • blurthelines_fd - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.