• https://blog.nelhage.com/post/distributed-builds-for-everyone/CPU cycles are cheaper than they have ever been, and cloud computing has never been…
  • I am once again begging academics to make citations *clickable links* to the actual cited work, not just to the endless block of citations at the end of your paper.
  • Systems that defy detailed understanding blog.nelhage.com.
  • Всем привет! Кто знает, есть ли какой то способ переоткрыть кононсоль открытую не в screen. Т.е.: в терминале под иксами в консоли происходит какой то долгий...
  • Stuff to read: * http://blog.nelhage.com/2010/10/amd64-and-va_arg/ * System V Application Binary Interface - AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement * AMD64...