• BeadforLife YPs are motivated, engaged, passionate individuals who are taking action to #endpoverty.
  • BeadforLife eradicates extreme poverty by creating bridges of understanding between impoverished Africans and concerned world citizens.
  • BeadforLife | Eradicating Poverty One Bead at a Time | Fair Trade & Non-profit www.beadforlife.org.
  • brownbunnehluv - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • so remember when you get bored or have time: www.beadforlife.org!!! (ps- im not trying to sound like im soliciting here, even though i guess i do kinda sound that way now that i...
  • I think this is probably a case of 'I use chopsticks, is this cultural appropriation?' as mentioned in the post <lj-user="mrdorbin"> linked to.
  • because sometimes we have to make the answers up...
  • I'll link to these groups through the webzine I help facilitate, Synchronized Chaos ( chaos_zine) and would be glad to help head up a book drive.