• EVENT ALERT Dr. Ryan Stubbins will discuss the role of socioeconomic factors in treatment access and outcomes for #cancer patients, focusing on those living with #leukemia. Wed July 27 | 4PM - 5PM PT Register: http...
  • Dr. Obi Griffith develops methods to tackle the interpretation bottleneck in #Cancer #Genomics, helping to bring precision oncology to the clinic. He is one 16 speakers that will present at the #GSC20 Anniversary Symposium. Read more here: http...
  • An alumnus of the GSC, Dr. Olena Morozova Vaske uses the latest #RNASeq analysis approaches to improve the lives of pediatric cancer patients. She is one 16 speakers that will present at the #GSC20 Symposium. Read more here: http...
  • An alumnus of the GSC, Dr. Olena Morozova Vaske uses the latest #RNASeq analysis approaches to improve the lives of pediatric cancer patients. She is one 16 speakers that will present at the #GSC20 Symposium. Read more here: http...
  • Technology Development: BC Cancer Genome Sciences Centre...
  • Genome scientist, BC Cancer. Tweets & re-tweets reflect my interests and not necessarily those of my employer.