• Congratulations to José Pacas & Renae Rodgers on their "Research Note on Linking CPS ASEC Files" published in Population Research and Policy Review...
  • staff have compiled (with links to BLS documentation) at http://atusdata.org.
  • staff have compiled (with links to BLS documentation) at http://atusdata.org.
  • hosted 2021 ATUS Time Use Survey and Well-Being module data https://atusdata.org/atus/ workshop October 14, 11am-1:30pm ET.
  • Head to http://atusdata.org to figure out how people spent their days in 2021 (maybe even compare this to 2020)! Special thanks to our collaborators at.
  • It's all work-life to me! I was Founding Director, Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN); PI/Director, Sloan Network; NEWFA Dir, BC Ctr for Work & Family...