• here's a version of my chart showing approx flight kms. I recommend http://atmosfair.de to get emissions between specific city pairs. They even show how different airlines that fly that route compare.
  • Das Internet nutzt enorme Mengen an Energie. Das bedeutet, dass durch deine Website CO2-Emissionen entstehen. Hier zeigen wir dir, wie du die den Energieverbrauch deiner Website massiv reduzieren kannst: http...
  • PostDoc in plant abiotic stress physiology and memory development...
  • Saúl Luciano Lliuya Foto: By Alexander Luna - Archivo personal del fotógrafo peruano Alexander Luna., CC BY-SA 4.0, Link Klimaklage aus Peru...
  • The domain name is the same, http://igsoc.org The website developers Realnet from Cambridge.
  • Good point. I'll make a version that puts km-flown on the bars so it can be used elsewhere. Also http://atmosfair.de will get you the GHG data for any flight.