• Herbalist, Gardner, Author and Creator/Caretaker of Annies Remedy - Herbs for Self Healing. An important fact of Herbalism is that every individual is unique.
  • Цитата сообщения Галина_Бикмуллина Прочитать целикомВ свой цитатник или сообщество! ЛУННЫЙ И СОЛНЕЧНЫЙ ЧАЙ + Как правильно приготовить чай из...
  • I've decided to learn a bit more about Lavender today. In my very limited garden, it is one of my plants that seems to get on just fine without me. This is a quality that I love, because I...
  • I've been dredging through websites like these, but since they list herbs by name instead of supposed effect it's a LOT of dredging. http://www.anniesremedy.com/folklore.php http...