• One of the best American reporters in Moscow for at least the last decade has left Russia. https://twitter.com/AlecLuhn/status/1499396368749588481… This Tweet is unavailable.
  • Moedige redacteur Russ journaal protesteert tegen oorlog en wordt meteen gearresteerd. Zie draadje. twitter.com/AlecLuhn/statu…
  • A Wagner 2:1-1:1 KIA:WIA ratio in Bakhmut is feasible. twitter.com/AlecLuhn/statu…
  • ...it's hard to put into perspective how so much of what we fight about is irrelevant if we cant confront the climate crisis that's right around the corner. twitter.com/AlecLuhn/statu…
  • US intelligence puts the total number of casualties (KIA, WIA, MIA, POW) at 100,000. twitter.com/AlecLuhn/statu…
  • ...get your head around it — launches a geopolitical struggle for ownership of a place, sea routes and ocean resources that were all once uninhabitable. twitter.com/AlecLuhn/statu…