• Mom to Addi & Cassi (2004-2019) passed away from genetic #cholesterol disease Niemann Pick Type C, Childhood ALZ #cyclodextrin. Reno, NV. addiandcassi.com.
  • Proud Dad to twins Addi and Cassi - http://AddiandCassi.com. Passionate healthcare advocate.
  • Raising public awareness for a rare number of diseases that seriously effect the lives of children and their families.
  • CureCaps are like a “Pink Ribbon” — the hats are a symbol of hope to find cures for brain diseases that impact millions of people. Reno Nevada. addiandcassi.com/curecaps.
  • Grad Student. This book is called me with short hair and a dog.
  • Drug for Rare Disorder Linked to Reducing Cholesterol Plaque | The Addi and Cassi Fund - Niemann...