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  • Fansubbed by JustBLThings and aarinfantasy~ You may support us at the ff. links: https://aarinfantasy.com https://facebook.com/AarinFantasyOfficial https...
  • ...(Nie no machi)! https://vndb.org/v22741 В ссылке ниже, приведены некоторые детали: https://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f16/t197528-nie-no-mac.. (требуется регистрация)...
  • For those interestested, there's a good Yaoi site called aarinfantasy.com But you hvae to sign up in order to get a lot of the good stuff.
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • <3 You can find a good amount of the Kuroshitsuji ones, including ones I've scanned on aarinfantasy.com/forum or the phantomhive comm where they have some Kuroshitsuji...
  • This time blogging about the pc game Hanakisou. Those of you who are familiar with the manga of the same name scanlated by SiH, this is the game the manga is based off of.
  • and since you are too I thought I'd tell you that the aarinfantasy site has two untranslated yaoi doujinshi featuring Kanji.
  • I have decided to do a ROUGH translation of the mini drama because it is so funny! will tune it up after my exams. i still have 10 weeks of readings to finish in 4 days.
  • You can download Kuro in .avi format at aarinfantasy.com.
  • can you tell me if there is another link to this for some reason my cpu wont open the down load page to it do u have it on megauplaod or anifantasy.
  • I thought I tried searching in Aarinfantasy before but didn't find it. thanks for the link.
  • Yay for my first review of something. I normally don't do things like this...I don't normally listen to BL CD's either (Unless Katsuyuki Konishi or Noriaki Sugiyama is on it) The...