- twitter.com cnichole2000Colleagues, click here to vote YES too: http://aaaelections.org/WERC?source=twitter&…
- twitter.com aftlocal243A union of staff and faculty at Madison Area Technical College.
- twitter.com jenlucas13#MTEAunionYES https://aaaelections.org/aaaelections/WERC/index.asp…
- twitter.com theWCTEAClick the link to vote YES to recertify the WCTEA, to allow us to continue to advocate for your interests and values! https...
- twitter.com dionhaithMilwaukee Mentor/Teacher, Politically interested! Helping others to help themselves.
- twitter.com cunycontractCUNY faculty and staff Union have been without a contact since 2010. Support our efforts to get a living wage so we can focus on EDUCATION.