• 826national.org. Various Chronicle illustrators, authors, and staff have donated pieces to directly support 826 National.
  • Join 826 Digital, the free online platform for #educators from @826National, featuring writing resources that spark the power and joy of writing..
  • 826 Valencia и MET School это два альтернативных образовательных проекта, которые родились в США и плавно распространяются по миру.
  • Ice Addict, в сети сутками сидят не все, но кому действительно интересно, тот следит за поступающей информацией. Ссылку нашла 826national.org/about/.
  • The 826 organization (http://www.826national.org/) was founded by Author Dave Eggers (http://www.mcsweeneys.net/authorpages/eggers/eggers.html).
  • EVERY DIME I make is going to the original charity Gale was endorsing in Bilbao, www.826National.org To be very clear, the charity will get what I already paid in Bilbao...
  • We had a great time last night at the Jean Cocteau with the first of our author events. Hugo-, Nebula-, and Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Michael Chabon was on hand to sign books...