• ...it might be useful if you're looking for ideas for a programming task for your students. advanced-ict.info Python Examples See example Python programs categorised by the...
  • advanced-ict.info. ... I suppose we could also link in some cultural, ethical aspects here - as well as offering lossless and "hi-res" streaming for 84p more than Spotify, last time I...
  • advanced-ict.info. ... @advanced_ict. Updated with three more tasks!
  • Computing and ICT in a Nutshell @advanced_ict · Mar 20 I saw something like this on another site the other day, but it wasn't mobile-friendly...
  • I'm sure we all find that it's a constant struggle to find new programming tasks, so I've started a page with links to the ones that I'm using with my GCSE classes
  • @advanced_ict. ... Thanks! You can also right-click/long-tap the links for a possible solution in Replit.