• OMNI is an orthopedic device manufacturer that delivers superlative solutions that enable physicians to achieve their practice and patient care goals.
  • Fisioterapeuta /Osteopata Fisioterapeuta Tremblay en France Handball D1 (2009-2016) Fisioterapeuta Serena Williams desde 2016...
  • ...https://amjorthopedics.com/article/dont-forget-pulses-aortoiliac-peripheral-artery-disease-masquerading-lumbar-radiculopathy…
  • Cafd/Master alto rendimiento deportes colectivos (INEFC) Preparador físico @paiportaCF1922...
  • Licenciado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte,Técnico Deportivo Futbol Nivel 2,Cursando Master Rendimiento Fisico y Deportivo,y algo mas...
  • Great stuff from @USMNT Chief Medical Officer George Chiampas and the link to the protocols and awareness in play here in the United States.