• APPAL is a Lao civil society organization (CSO) that promote art and literature to young generation through creative activities.
  • Media is ready to be bought, manipulated and striped of the real voice in exchange of money to serve a Communalist National party, backed by an equally appalling Org...
  • ...for freedom, justice, equality and true peace for Palestinians! http://ipsc.ie/bds/israel-blacklist-human-rights-orgs-appalling-anti-democratic-badge-honour-appearing…
  • Remember dangerous speech has a cumulative effect - the more it continues, the more it convinces https://dangerousspeech.org/appalling-dangerous-speech-from-ethiopian...
  • IMPORTANT: Please click this link and then retweet it
  • ...which are unfair and need to stop to prevent irreparable harm.” https://acaconnects.org/appalling-why-is-wyoming-trying-to-put-my-familys-small...