• For bookings, collabs or any other info contact via email: TEAM-TBK-OFFICIAL@hotmail.com.
  • Что буддизм не такой мирный и няшный, как о нём принято думать, я узнал несколько лет назад. http://www.truthbeknown.com/buddhism.htm.
  • Ellen P. Lacter, a Psychologist in San Diego, California, set up the excellent Advocacy for Victims of Ritual Abuse website at...
  • catherd - the new blog in LiveJournal. There should be new interesting records soon.
  • If you want to research the facts, than here are some links to get you started.
  • OLE_SHIP: here how one click on a link after another gets you there from "here, there, or wherever" So here are the pages and translations...