• Может, конечно, мне сейчас скажут, что это боянЪ... Искал это я себе то ли точную дату начала студенческих волнений в Париже, то ли про Мартина Лютера Кинга... 1968 Jan 21, An American B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed at North...
  • Titus and his legions captured the middle wall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. http://timelines.ws/days/06_05.HTML.
  • Some 11 people were killed in violence linked to the vote.
  • http://www.sunna.info/prayer/TheBasicsoftheMuslimsPrayer.php - nice guide.
  • Go down the page until you get to the yellow section (the colours on the website are unfortunate) and start browsing through the hundreds of documents and links.