• Email coatsk@apsu.edu or leszczakt@apsu.edu indicating your interest and remember to include your A#, the CRN (3655) and Section #21.
  • The life you want begins at Austin Peay State University.#LetsGoPeay...
  • А вот какой принцип устройства общества в отношении закона и порядка вам ближе: 1. Пусть лучше 10 виновных окажутся на свободе, лишь бы ни один невиновный не...
  • Wikipedia:SWAT - mostly useful for the cross links to all the common swat weapons and tactics.
  • ...two, OR if you are Quaker and have the contact information for any of the local Meeting Houses and/or members of such, would you please drop me a line at ekurtz14@apsu.edu.