• "Dramas" doesn't really cover it for JDoramas so I call Japanese Dramas, 'dorama.' (3) I've no idea what "Joudan jyanai" is about but here are some links that provide little to no information ^_^ Although by the picture on the offical site...
  • ブログを更新しました! http://yaplog.jp/brzshinpei/ ハロウィンパーティー幕張1日目。 モンスターハンターのオフィシャル衣装を着る事が出来て、一生の思い出になりました!
  • Birth: 11.08 Blood: B Blog:http://yaplog.jp/since_hiroki/. Нравится Показать список оценивших. Показать ещё сообщения.
  • Here's my account Yaplog: http://yaplog.jp/nuritiahikage/. Current Location:Indonesia.
  • Also, I'm just linking to the photos in their blogs, I am not going to upload their blog photos on to here.
  • I bought it through a shopping service from Grand Bazaar Lolita and it's lovely, but too short on me. The dress is not lined, but has a seperate underskirt/petticoat instead. The black x white stock picture shows the details much better: http...
  • Actually I just wanted to translate Jan's Susume no Susume (just for myself!), but when I had some problems understanding it I tried to google for romaji lyrics of it and couldn't find any and so I just romanized them myself to share them. And becaus...
  • Thanks for these link!! and I've check the magazine, that was just 1 page and nothing special new ;( I think these clothes are expensive for me ;_; but I'll go to the shop might be there are some posters ;p.
  • Японский сайт для цветоделочек. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ru&rurl=t...ru&u=http://yaplog.jp/mahou93/ 3498 (250x200, 12Kb).
  • Links. Мультитран. Словари на Яндексе.
  • Translations of Devils in Bedside lyrics. My favorite lines were probably...
  • What is this; they all had time to update again?! I'm not complaining :D Yuya's on 2.5 Kousuke I caught Kousuke reading the script intently. It looks like a school desk (laughs) RunGun are practicing, and it's been a long time since we broke the set ...