• Пешедная прогулка в Эдинбурге по следам Гарри Поттера и 10 шагов. Именно здесь Джоан Роулинг, черпает свои идеи и вдохновение, на улицах этого потрясающего и...
  • ...фестивалем living history, или постановочным действием, но это красиво. http://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/Kenilworth-WarsoftheRoses/index.htm.
  • I has very little to do with its title but that probably lies way back in history and can be read about here http://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/PaceEgging.htm.
  • If you have a website that has INVALUABLE information and you'd love to pass it along, reply in the comments with the link and some info for it.
  • Антон Саксонов (Санкт-Петербург). Редактор благодарит за тестирование вопросов и ценные замечания Яну Азриэль, Алексея Бороненко, Анну, Петра, Алису и Олега...
  • This legend is but one of the many reasons I loved my minor (Medieval History) a little-- okay, a lot-- more than my major. The Middle Ages were so chock-full of WTF, it's very...
  • UK 2023 Day 2: In July, the sun rises at about 4am in London. I was jet lagged enough to be up that early so I went for a walk and hardly saw any other people or cars.
  • In the 1650's-1800's, coffeehouses started popping up almost everywhere around Europe, especially in England and France. The popular drink, coffee, was a stimulant and...
  • Королева Виктория в юности./Фото: historic-uk.com Виктория унаследовала английский престол в 1837 году, а на момент визита великого русского князя ей...