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  • An anecdote. I went to a weekend of teachings by, I think, Wangdor Rinpoche, at the Shambhala Center in Seattle, about six years ago. At public spiritual teachings of all sorts you always get a lot of interesting questions from the public audience.
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  • Today I visited a couple and here's the anecdote: The gentleman had a group of Japanese visiting his factory.
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  • Also went through the previous anecdotes on NB and just have to post this one about his royal highness ... If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
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  • I have one anecdote which covers this theme. Well, one Estonian fisher sits on a sea shore and fish. Suddenly someone starts to bite, fisher hooks and sees Golden fish and it says him (the Golden fish speaks Russia): Let me go, I’ll carry out any of your wishes!”
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  • URL записи. @темы: http://piter.ru/anecdotes/index.
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  • Anecdote Tokyoite. « previous entry | next entry » Dec.
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  • Just a little anecdote. In a recent interview, Nathan Lane (who's now currently portaying Gomez in the new Broadway show, The Addams Family) remembers when he got to play the desk sergeant in Addams Family Values.
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  • There's even an anecdote of him playing a triangle at one party during his stay in Paris after Waterloo - I think it may have been in accompaniment to either the first Lady Salisbury or Princess Lieven.
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  • unimated - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
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