• ipersonic.com. Joined November 2008.
  • На Facebook появилась страничка Ipersonic.com. Заходите, определяйте психотип ( можно легко сделать с автоматическим переводчиком, встроенным в браузер...
  • http://www.ipersonic.com/test.html Dreamy Idealist (DI) The dreamy idealist is very cautious and therefore often appears shy and reserved to others.
  • here's the link - http://www.ipersonic.com/ try it yourself and see... u will be amazed.
  • BASICS: Name: Inge Age: 18 Links to 3 Applications 1 | 2 | 3 | Describe your personality: According to Mypersonality.info I'm a ENTP and Ipersonic.com thinks I'm a...
  • El Realista Fiable El realista fiable es una persona con los pies en el suelo y muy responsable. Es preciso, reservado y exigente. Su cualidad ms destacada es su...
  • Social Realists are popular persons full of energy. They are reliable, well organized and helpful. Traditional values are important to them. Founding a family also plays a central...
  • Der frsorgliche Realist ist ein beliebter Mensch voller Energie. Er ist zuverlssig, gut organisiert und hilfsbereit. Traditionelle Werte sind ihm wichtig, auch die Grndung einer...
  • And see whats your Ipersonic type. Read HOW IT WORKS .((: Link.
  • I love when I get the same result every time I take a test, even if years apart: http://www.ipersonic.com/type/DI.html The Caleb to my Lita got the same result, actually...