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  • Feel free to pass this link around to anyone who might be interested, post it on mailing lists, etc.
  • Well friends, I know it's been a REAL long time since I've posted... Mostly due to the fact that they have blocked LJ at work. It really sucks. But also because I have been tortured...
  • I'll stick with my recommendation to everyone to go see it and enjoy it for what it is ^_^. link.
  • Someone at aintitcool.com went to an advance screening and wrote a review of the movie, they didn't write much at about Jim, but what they did write sounds very promising
  • Don't know if you read Neil Gaiman's journal (you should, it's awesome) but there's a link in that post about comics lettering that you might find interesting.
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • I'm gonna quote the article for those too lazy to click the link. "It looks like we're getting a "Star Wars" series set after the events of "Return of the Jedi."
  • http://www.aintitcool.com/node/40410 The guy from True Blood as Thor? Awesome. Favreau directing Avengers?