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  • Past months Georgia frequently was in news headlines, but actualy it is quite safe country with many interesting places to visit in winter and in summer.
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  • Сказать, что в Грузии мне понравилось - это ничего не сказать!
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  • georgia. nature , made in georgia , Сакартвело. Georgia. Грузия.
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  • Грузия в составе Российской Империи Грузия и Армения 1918-1920-е годы Грузия в СССР Этническая карта Советской Грузии Современная Грузия, независимые Абхазия и Южная Осетия Варианты раздела Грузии Этнические…
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  • In Soviet times Georgia was almost the only (apart from the Carpathians) pilgrimage destination for the fans of skiing.
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  • Travel to Georgia suggests a variety of options for a comfortable and quality rest.
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  • According to the Mission’s mandate as agreed by the Council, the aim of the fact-finding mission was to investigate the origins and the course of the conflict in Georgia, including with regard to international law (including the Helsinki Final Act)...
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  • Day 1-2 Anaklia is a new Georgian resort town located on the southeast coast of the Black Sea.
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