• It seems the Sci Fi channel is looking to change their name in an effort to update their image. Apparently if you spell it...
  • I still go see it though. www.aintitcool.com/images2008/bigspock.jpg. www.ugo.com/movies/exclusive-star-trek-photo/images/entries/trek.jpg.
  • In case you did not hear, Forry Ackerman is in bad shape. I never met him, but my name is in Issue#105 in Famous Monsters of Filmland. Here is the news release and link - http...
  • Вот недумал, что доживу до того дня, когда увижу экранизацию - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ... - это Марвин, озвучивает его Алан Рикман (явно...
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  • http://www.aintitcool.com/images2007/WantedJoliePosterBig.jpg.
  • If you are not already smitten go, go to this link and fall hard for awesome and hilarious Prohibition Era mobsters who happen to have fuzzy ears and whiskers. http...