• Мой 999 тред на LibraryThing: ru.librarything.com/topic/57382 Все еще в работе.
  • However, I didn't want to "blur the lines" dividing what I primarily use LiveJournal for and what I see LibraryThing being.
  • jeninew - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • zanyjuggler - the new blog in LiveJournal. There should be new interesting records soon.
  • LibraryThing also connects you with people who read the…
  • It's still incomplete, but I've entered a good chunk of books (200 is the limit until I can upgrade the account, boo) in at my LibraryThing.com catalog.
  • (Link). With no pictures on the internet, can't imagine there were too many produced, perhaps.
  • -_-Linkshare-_-GwEz7vxblVU-_-10:1 LibraryThing link: http://www.librarything.com/work/book/76439307. About the Book: Miskatonic University...
  • I wondered if LibraryThing sucked that much or if there was a problem with the code. ... For the time being, I'm maintaining both it and my pendragon_books.livejournal.com list.