• prochoicefamily - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • Tell your representative to take a stand: anti-choice extremists must not get away with this any longer! Go to: http://www.ppaction.org/campaign/fakeclinics.
  • If you've got folks that aren't in MS, they can sign our national petition here: http://www.ppaction.org/campaign/2007_bcprice. We made a separate petition for MS...
  • desipoo85 - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • Take action on this action alert from Planned Parenthood Action Network at. http://www.ppaction.org/campaign/UNFPA3?rk=Mpz1GG911BR6W.
  • On that note, if anyone reads this within the next couple of weeks (unlikely, but worth a try), sign this: secure.ppaction.org/site/SPageServer It only takes a few seconds...
  • I just wanted to say - I appreciate the neutral way you posted this link.
  • Please, if you're pro-choice, spread the news, click the links, try to do something, anything!
  • For example, the prison construction boom can be linked to, among other factors, the huge increase in the number of people sentenced to prison terms with the onset of the war on...
  • Please, contact the Senate Finance Committee right now to let them know we won't stand for it by completing the form at the link.